Antique bronze family arches sculpture with black base
Antique bronze family arches sculpture with black base

Antique Bronze Family In Arches Sculpture Large

An Antique Bronze Family in Arches Sculpture depicts a family of four; two parents interacting with a relaxed pose, and two smaller children holding hands...
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Subtotal: £139.00
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SKU: 316290

An Antique Bronze Family in Arches Sculpture depicts a family of four; two parents interacting with a relaxed pose, and two smaller children holding hands whilst playfully peering round the corner of the sculpture arches that frame this piece. Finished in a Antique Bronze finish. The base has a darker finish and ensured it can be safely displayed on a flat surface. Also available as a smaller three figure sculpture

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Height 32cm
Width 32cm
Depth 8cm
Delivery period 3-5 Days

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Estimated delivery is 3-5 Days

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