Antique bronze family arches sculpture with black base
Antique bronze family arches sculpture with black base

Antique Bronze Family in Arches Sculpture Small

Introducing the Antique Bronze Family in Arches Sculpture. This exquisite piece features two arches adorned with a man and woman lovingly holding hands, while a...
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Subtotal: £89.00
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SKU: 316288

Introducing the Antique Bronze Family in Arches Sculpture. This exquisite piece features two arches adorned with a man and woman lovingly holding hands, while a seated child looks on with curiosity. Crafted in antique bronze, it exudes a timeless elegance that adds a touch of warmth and unity to any space. Perfect for expressing the bond and affection within a family, this sculpture serves as a poignant reminder of the beauty of togetherness and the enduring strength of love across generations. Embrace the spirit of familial love with this captivating work of art.

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Height 32cm
Width 18cm
Depth 8cm
Delivery period 3-5 Days

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Estimated delivery is 3-5 Days

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