Abstract artwork of two contrasting circles cut in half by vertical gold lines placed in a simple black frame
Abstract artwork of two contrasting circles cut in half by vertical gold lines placed in a simple black frame

New Balance I Wall Art

The New Balance I Wall Art is a stunning abstract design by the artist Eva Watts. The picture features two circles cut in half vertically...
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Subtotal: £75.00
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SKU: 308061

The New Balance I Wall Art is a stunning abstract design by the artist Eva Watts. The picture features two circles cut in half vertically by dripping gold lines. The circles are coloured differently on either side of the gold lines. The artwork has been carefully hand embellished with gold metal leaf and is over varnished. The New Balance I wall art comes ready to hang in a simple black frame that complements the picture nicely. It measures 42.5 by 42.5cm making it the perfect size to create a focal point in your room.

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Material Black Frame, Gold Embellishment, Overvarnished
Height 42.5cm
Width 42.5cm
Assembly required No
Delivery period 7 Days

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Estimated delivery is 7 Days

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